Wednesday, January 28, 2009

BMB IS Norman Osborn

Yes, I said it. Brian Bendis IS the Norman Osborn of Marvel. Don't believe me? Try this on for size:

Norman Osborn: Always a strong character, but always stuck in one book, usually fighting one guy (Spider Man). Today, he has expanded his reach and power throughout the Marvel universe. He is everywhere. You see him in book after book with his hands in everything that is going on.

Brian Bendis: Always a strong writer, but early on stuck to one book, usually writing one main character (Jinx, Sam & Twitch). Suddenly Marvel comes calling and he is freakin' everywhere you look, with his hands in everything that is going on in the Marvel universe, and Ultimate Marvel universe for that matter.

Norman Osborn: Likes taking old, forgotten or under appreciated villains and breathing new life into them, giving them a second chance at villainous success (Moonstone, Radioactive Man, The Swordsman, etc).

Brian Bendis: Likes taking old, forgotten or under appreciated Marvel characters and breathing new live into them, giving their books a second chance at success (Daredevil, Avengers, Ultimates).

Norman Osborn: Worst hairdo in Marvel. Is that a red and black wavy mini-fro??????

Brian Bendis: Secretly shaves his head because of his natural red and black wavy mini-fro.

Norman Osborn: Using cunning, guile, and intellect took down Tony Stark, arguably the most powerful man in the Marvel universe, supplanting him as the new leader of (what was) S.H.I.E.L.D.

Brian Bendis: Using cunning, guile, and intellect took down Joe Quesada (blackmailing him with illicit photos from the Marvel Christmas party 2001), arguably the most powerful man at Marvel, supplanting him as the new leader of Marvel.

If only I could dig deeper I know I would find more......

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